

The animation festival CINANIMA has an educational service for schools in which I have been lucky enough to work with since 2023. The result of this project, Crianças Primeiro (meaning Children First), is a short film made by a class of 3rd and 4th graders. My job is to help the students reach their goals with the film.


Hello Grandpa, Hello Grandma

"Hello Grandpa, Hello Grandma", the short film made by the students of the 4th grade class of the AE Argoncilhe - EB of Souto de Nogueira da Regedoura, of the school year 2023/2024.

The Girl of the Sea and the Boy of the Land

"The Girl of the Sea and the Boy of the Land", the short film made by the students of the Agrupamento de Escolas Dr. Manuel Laranjeira, of the school year 2023/2024.

O Povoador

"O Povoador", the short film made by the students of the Externato Nossa Senhora de Fátima, of the school year 2023/2024.

The Flower of Liberty

"The Flower of Liberty", the short film made by the students of the 3rd grade class of the Escola Básica da Regedoura, AE Ovar Sul.


The Life of Our Relvinhas

Film made by the students of the 3rd grade class of the Escola Básica da Relva, in Esmoriz.

How School Was Then And Now

Film made by the students of the 4th grade class of the Escola EB1 JI Fontainhas.

The workshops in this section were made during the festival Festa Mundial da Animação organized by Casa da Animação (a portuguese association focused on promoting the animation art in Portugal). In 2023, I was lucky to be invited along side my colleague Ema Lavrador to create 1 hour workshops for children between the ages of 2 and 15 years old. In the following year, we were invited back to be the teachers in 2 workshops: one for families and the other one for elders.


Castelo Branco: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

2 day workshop for elders where the class was challenged to create a short film. The class decided to make a short film that showcased the traditions and prominent figures of their city, Castelo Branco.

Workshop For Families

One day workshop for families where they were challenged to make a phenakistiscope during the morning and do an animation exercise in the afternoon.


Workshop In Schools

1 hour workshop made in schools where the classes were divided in groups and challenged to make a tiny animation film.